Thursday, November 25, 2010


"It's really fun, and it's wild, a little crazy...a little awkward, but it'll be okay."

Story of my life, K$.

Today, songs about bloodsuckers. I promise that this was a coincidence.

1. stay calm.
2. be friendly, not paranoid. (Been surprisingly good about this so far.)
3. be the least nervous person in the room.
4. do NOT fall in the lake. This is of utmost importance.

I liked this article about how children's stomachaches are taken less seriously than headaches. However, this part made me distinctly uncomfortable: "Studies in which researchers inflated balloons in children’s intestines suggested..."

Uhh? Is that really valid experimental protocol? And the kids' parents agreed to that? This reminds me, I just signed a thingy saying I am willing to learn and demonstrate competency in performing digital rectal examinations--thinking maybe they mean digital as in fingers, not clocks. Hmm. Well, so long as I can wear two sets of gloves.

'“If it was all in his head, he’d have a headache,” Dr. Rosh said. “Clearly there’s something happening in his belly.”' Good one Dr. Rosh.


Q: What do you look for in a friend?

A: Someone who will buy me cheetos and/or m&m's.

Q: Know any good jokes?

A: Just the one about the emu.

Q: Tell me about a time when you thought outside the box.

A: Well last week, I ate at Taco Bell.

Q: My house is infested with chipmunks. What should I do?

A: Move.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

I used my mostly computerless day (morning) to do lots of grading, sleep, learn ("learn") a little bit about LTP, make and eat a lot of stuff that was meant for my sister, and make a dent in the giant stack of magazines that has accumulated in the corner since mid-July...seriously, I keep buying them and not reading ("reading") them. (Bad things happen when you actually read the words. For example, today I learned about a woman called the "Fat Whisperer". She listens to cells' plasma membranes and talks to them to coax them out...? and people lose weight from this...?)

There is probably not actually this much time to waste; it is seven days until the next one; this one marks It's Getting Serious.

more cawffee.

shawls >>> sweaters

Should I get a tumblr..? except, I think you have to be artsy to qualify.

If I knew someone named Nancy, I would call her Nancypants.
Hairspiration. (that's supposed to be like "inspiration", not "perspiration")


Saturday, November 20, 2010


"I think I have a very gentle crush on Emma Watson." -Dannielle

I don't really know what a "very gentle crush" constitutes, but basically, it should be called Hermione Granger and the Deathly Hallows, amirite?!

Yes, I saw it this morning and no, I did not read the list of side effects on the oral typhoid fever vaccine I took just before leaving...basically I'm really bad at watching movies.

While we're at it, what is with Blair having a feminist moment right when everything was falling into place?

Dear Blair,
I don't need you to be a magical feminist for your career. I don't even know what your career is other than "power". Also, you are barely a sophomore in college. Stop being stupid. Continue being Chuck Bass's girlfriend. You may now resume your Saturday.

Just set Hipster Potter as my background. so real. can't deal.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hey so..

I also love harry potter but am having a very hard time caring.

Happy David's birthday and senioritis kick-off day everyone.

Just kidding. I'm a responsible student.

bloop bloop bloop
time to stay up all night writing a paper and cramming for a midterm...sounds about right.

There's not a single exclamation point in the email. I feel like this sort of thing deserves an exclamation point.

This also means I can no longer use "you idiot how will you ever get into med school?" as self-motivation. darn. idiot how will you ever get matched for residency?

(If I start thinking about this too seriously I will start weeping and be completely unproductive. If you are reading this- thank you, thank you, thank you. you are beautiful people. Especially Amelia, you are the light of my life.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fatwah fatwah

"You are not your fucking khakis." -Zach

I never did like khakis. I am my plaid pajamas though.

Also, not prepared for tomorrow, blah blah blah same story. I employed my Official Stress Coping Strategy and went to sleep yesterday (step #2) because I was freaking out big time.

1. Lady Gaga watch. Yes. It is shiny, from China, and awesome. I will wear it tomorrow. convo starter.
2. HP. Can't even deal.
3. Cell bio high score? doesn't that render my complaints about the class moot? Shucks. The TA drew some pretty fishy smiley faces on my exam.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Model Monday

Jessica Clarke joins Karlie on Team 17 Year Olds Who are Successful Without Being Total Morons (see Momsen, Taylor and Cyrus, Miley).

P.S. Having serious case of Homework Complacency.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One under my belt/future directions

Q: "So, what made you decide to become a doctor?"

A: "House." I will then exit the room.

My actual response to the "spare time" question: "Um, I like to read comics..." to which he responded with a grave nod of understanding. (Don't worry, there was more to the answer, I just really enjoyed his reaction to the comics.)

P.S. Excited to break out of the midwest and go to the BIG CITY. should probably buy pepper spray first.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Road trip

I'm just gonna wing it

she says for the umpteenth time.

I will just be sure to use "literally" incorrectly, and bring extra snark to the convo.
There will also be a uterus luncheon...

UGH. Stupid David made me start thinking about the "real meaning" behind "medicine" and all that "important stuff". For real though. It's so easy to get caught up in this...what, auditions process? Pageantry?


Monday, November 8, 2010

Fortune cookie

"Fortune smiles upon you at this time."

What up, world. Don't even try to argue with my cookie.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Soundtrack

Anything by:

Bat for Lashes
Amanda Blank
The Dead Weather

Reading list/wish list ie feel free to buy me these:

Everything ever written by Atul Gawande
More Aldous Huxley
Everything ever written by Tim Gunn

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I like harry potter, comics, and dancing. I have dabbled in various instrument-playing endeavors. I also recently applied cold oatmeal to my face.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


"Every morn in Africa a gazelle wakes up; he knows he must outrun the fastest lion or he will be killed. Every morn in Africa a lion wakes up; he knows he must outrun the slowest gazelle or he will starve. It doesn't matter if you are the gazelle or the lion. When morning comes, you better be running."

This is especially true as I accomplished very little today.

When morning comes, you better be running.

While we're at it, sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

I also firmly believe that the egg came first.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some words

"If there's anyone I hate on, it's a bully."
-Vinny from Jersey Shore

real wisdom.
I like to watch "it gets better" videos early in the morning. Only the famous people ones though, like Nancy Pelosi or Kermit.