Thursday, November 25, 2010


"It's really fun, and it's wild, a little crazy...a little awkward, but it'll be okay."

Story of my life, K$.

Today, songs about bloodsuckers. I promise that this was a coincidence.

1. stay calm.
2. be friendly, not paranoid. (Been surprisingly good about this so far.)
3. be the least nervous person in the room.
4. do NOT fall in the lake. This is of utmost importance.

I liked this article about how children's stomachaches are taken less seriously than headaches. However, this part made me distinctly uncomfortable: "Studies in which researchers inflated balloons in children’s intestines suggested..."

Uhh? Is that really valid experimental protocol? And the kids' parents agreed to that? This reminds me, I just signed a thingy saying I am willing to learn and demonstrate competency in performing digital rectal examinations--thinking maybe they mean digital as in fingers, not clocks. Hmm. Well, so long as I can wear two sets of gloves.

'“If it was all in his head, he’d have a headache,” Dr. Rosh said. “Clearly there’s something happening in his belly.”' Good one Dr. Rosh.


Q: What do you look for in a friend?

A: Someone who will buy me cheetos and/or m&m's.

Q: Know any good jokes?

A: Just the one about the emu.

Q: Tell me about a time when you thought outside the box.

A: Well last week, I ate at Taco Bell.

Q: My house is infested with chipmunks. What should I do?

A: Move.


  1. Hmm... I think you will meet all of your goals, especially number 4, unless the interviews will be on a boat :-P?

  2. How about I buy you cheetos and M&Ms and we eat them together?

  3. YES but only if we can also make a lip-synch video.
