Monday, February 14, 2011

All the answers

VCR - The xx

"True, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but this is ridiculous. It's as though ignorance has gone viral."

"Conservatives have no real interest in fiscal responsibility. Instead, after decades of pushing tax cuts for the wealthy elite, increased military spending, and subsidies for their corporate buddies, they have finally driven deficits high enough that they think they have political cover to go after government programs that benefit the middle class, working class, and poor. This is what all of this talk about fiscal austerity is about." - comments on this

I would also add "people lacking a Y chromosome" to that list. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But this is all a bit suspish, don't you think? Planned Parenthood is a big frickin deal. Note that this bill doesn't have anything to do with abortion funding--rather, low-income women do not deserve to get HIV screening, pap smears, or basic pre-natal care. (And provides basic check-ups and other health services for men, too, actually.) Contact your senator if you haven't already. Major kudos to Representative Jackie Speier for speaking about her own painful experience on the House floor.

Why does this stuff continue to surprise me? I keep forgetting that women's rights are just chips on the bargaining table.

Meanwhile, David points out that there are some popular misconceptions about U.S. aid to other countries, ones that have serious consequences. WWJD, you know. Read more here.

Here's a cool quote to help ease the transition to a new topic.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert A. Heinlein

"Last, my time management skills, more than just being an asset for the fast pace of medical school, will contribute to my success in a city known for never slowing down." - Tarini's terrible, sappy essays. Good lord. Amelia, I'm sorry for having made you read this crap.

I think I have some misconceptions of what it will really be like. I'm super not excited about #3 under "social skills"!

My student interviewer at home school was really sweet...I had been nervous about the student interview because I heard that some of them go really crazy with ethics questions and trying to be hard on you. But she was basically like, "their assigned questions are dumb, you obviously know what you're talking about, your research sounds cool, let's talk about that instead." I apologized for saying "like" too much...not my finest moment. Anyway she just sent me an email and is obviously now on the "you must convince this student to attend here" assignment...much like David was, not too long ago!
I just started watching Greek, which premiered in 2007- four years ago. I've been thinking about the passage of four years a lot lately. I know that after med school it will seem like college was just recently, but my four years here have felt really long...I don't really remember not being in college. It probably helps that I've never stayed at a school this long...and I've been coming to this campus at least once a week since eighth grade. Sure, I've never lived here-lived here, but it sure feels like it. and I'm really glad she emailed me, I do have a lot of questions that a fourth-year can answer.

Also I just creeped on her facebook (don't judge me) and remembered that she went to Hah-vuhd for undergrad, and did neuro there...must ask her why she decided to come here, and to go into primary care. hmm.

Semper ubi sub ubi - Latin for "Always wear underwear". Sound advice.


  1. "Not too long ago," indeed. Yikes!

    Where'd you find that Heinlein quote?

  2. It's someone's tag line on the dreaded forums...I was shocked to find something interesting there!
