Or, here goes nothing.
The perils of refusing to write an "About" section or proper introductory post include the possibility of an aimless, boring, probably accidentally patronizing (sorry!) blog.
This here post gon' fix all that.
This blog aims to address, with copious use of links:
1. Things relating to medical ethics and education (e.g. this)
2. Things related to people with whom I am past the point of respectfully disagreeing (e.g. Andrew Wakefield and my friend Kathy)
3. Cool science things, especially with regard to brains and guts
4. Webcomics that are sometimes disturbing
5. Complainin'
6. Politix, especially relating to healthcare, women's and LGBTQ rights
7. Sometimes I like TV or music things and will force my opinion on you. Fair warning.
8. Bad jokes
Both more frivolous and less lengthy things will be relegated to my tumblr. Also, I'm going to use tags now! All right.
If you want me to talk about (or not talk about) anything in particular, do let me know.
I feel like this post is just a synopsis of our conversation last night. I do hope you keep blogging a lot, it's always awesome!