Saturday, July 31, 2010

Two cents

For what it's worth, Chelsea, I hope you have a fantastic wedding and successful marriage.

Her conduct on the campaign trail back in the '08 primaries was inspirational and a bright spot amongst all the quibbling that made me take a hiatus from following politics (a hiatus which has only recently ended due to some friends who are bad influences. Why can't you just let me watch trashy tv in peace?).
Some of the reactions to the event have been absurd and even disgusting. Bah. Shouldn't be surprising anymore.

Anyway, these essays would be done by now (maybe), except that instead of staring at them for three hours this morning, I went to yoga. Just let that sink in for a moment. This from a person who has not worn sweatpants since skipping joyously out of the last day of her last required gym credit. (It was gymnastics. My debate coach judged our final routine. Thankfully he agreed to a vow of silence on the topic.)

Anyway, I actually participated for about one and a half hours, then spaced out during the breathing exercises, because they are just not compatible with my lung capacity. But then. The instructor informed us we were going to play some games to reconnect with our childhoods. At this point I regretted not having followed my mother's advice to bring my own car. There was no persuading my family to leave early--my father gets really into these things, and my sister loves going places where they know her but not me.

The first game I survived using my patented, aggressive non-participation strategy, which has been gathering dust since NOL and welcome week. This involves refusing to move, even if you are "it". The second game involved, um, multiplication and Hinduism. I handled that one. Also, if multiple people believe 12 is a multiple of 5, I am going to make fun of them, regardless of how respected they are in the Indian community. Can't help it.

ETA: my whole body hurts. Owww.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Healthy cell culture: clear pink liquid
Infected cell culture: pink liquid with sand-like stuff
Today: gloopy horrifying nightmare

insert profanities here

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Overslept again. I also think I'm sleepwalking. Waking up outside the 4-5 am hour messes up the rest of the day.

Pandora prescribes "vulgar Canadian glam-rap" and "Native American blues-rock". really?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Yesterday my fourth cell culture of July got infected. Today I un-infected them. Clearly, magical healing powers.

In other news. Can someone remind me why I'm taking an herbal supplement that has been banned in Canada due to unacceptably high arsenic content?

Oh yeah, because
"it's got to have some arsenic in it. For your skin."

Almost one-third done with applications!!1!!!

I heard an ad on the radio today that I thought was for some sort of skateboarding-equipment store. It was for Mormonism.

My mother is being interesting today. I don't really feel like picking a fight right now though. How is my sister so peaceful all the time? I fight with our parents enough for the both us, I guess. Well. Last year at home in any case. Except for the case where I don't get into med school.

Vampire shows would be more palatable if they didn't insist on pairing them with werewolves. At least with the vampires, some effort is put in to the mythology, i.e. their weaknesses and why they can walk around in the sun (hint: magic lotion and/or magic rings). But the werewolves just change with no regard to the moon! Uncool. Lupin frowns. And Seth from Buffy.

To everyone taking the mcat tomorrow: Believe in yourself. Get a good song stuck in your head right before. Use the sound-canceling headphones. Take all of your breaks. And breathe often. And then believe in yourself and your knowledge and your preparation a little more.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Warning: this is one of those Age Posts, so if you don't like those, I'd suggest skipping it.

In the multitudes of advisor meetings I had this year, whether that was my honors, scholarship, or major advisor, the question I received the most and which stumped me the most was, "Why?" Why go so fast? Why not take a year off? Or even three or four? To explore, to find yourself?

I couldn't come up with a good answer, more often than not sputtering, "Well...because." Because it's not in my nature? Because I feel prepared to move to the next stage? Because I never regret anything more than wasting time...but apparently that should be treated as some sort of psychological illness. How do you give a convincing, coherent response to a non-question? It's like answering, "So, why is your hair black again?"

I was thinking about this question and how positively inane, superfluous, even, it seemed to me, for one of my secondary essays: "Describe a difficult or challenging situation, how you coped with it, and support persons on whom you relied for advice." But because of my self-imposed ban on writing about anything remotely related to my age (or path, if you will), it was ix-nayed as a topic.

However. I'll definitely have to answer that question in interviews. And actually answer it. In one of my mother's thesis defense presentations (she recently received her doctorate in science education), she talked about the concept of a "spiral curriculum". Using the examples of Russia and India, among other countries, she described how, beginning at a young age, students received an introduction to all of the major science fields--biology, chemistry, physics--and how every year, that knowledge was built upon. So, retreading the same subjects, but always moving upward = spiral. That sounded amazing. I was disappointed with my performance in physics. But at least part of the reason it didn't go well is because I had exactly zero exposure to physics before 1301, taken in my senior year of high school. And on the flip side, how many times through middle and high school did we learn trends of the periodic table, without once touching solution chemistry? (Yes, still bitter about solution chemistry.)

Around the same time, Robin sent out an email about the results of the recent curriculum evaluation of our college. Number five on the suggested improvements stuck out: "Removal of redundancies in molecular biology teaching". Thank you. Half of biochem was a repeat of bio 2003. Half of genetics was a repeat of biochem. I expect half of cell bio to be a repeat of one or more of the above. I can't (fairly) complain about learning the same things in physiology as I have in neuroscience, because obviously not everyone has had those courses. But the molecular bio track is taken by everyone in this college (I think). Shouldn't it be pretty easy to streamline those courses? I was glad to see this reflected in an external review.

Anyway, sometime during essay brainstorming, that word came back to me: "redundancies". Some of the same material is taught over and over and over, whether that's in elementary, middle, high school, or college. You know what that is? Wasted time. That's not a pet peeve. That's a peeve so giant it has its own zoos and restrictions on air travel.

So I finally have an answer to "why". I have an answer to why I entered and left elementary school early, to why I tried my darndest to get out of middle school early, to why I left high school early, to why I think three years in college is more than enough, if used efficiently. Because it's my attempt at stripping away the redundancies, at concentrating a solution that's been diluted for no apparent reason. Because my path is actually normal. It's the "normal" path that's unnatural.

So, um, that was my epiphany.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


An exciting look into my Sunday evening! Get ready for the most boring live-blog (?) of your life.

5:24 pm
Really ought to be writing those essays. Pretty outlines mean nothing without full sentences somewhere along the line. Warning: I've just watched a bunch of British youtube videos, so this will be typed in an accent. It is now 5:25.

5:25 pm
I'll just stare into space until 5:30. Nice round number. Time. Nice round time.

5:26 pm
There are a lot of paint fumes in the house today. The kitchen has gone from a lovely cool green to...peach.

5:27 pm
Anybody have thoughts on that handwriting psychology business? Should I write my T's straight or curly?

5:28 pm
Nearing that official writing time. Pleeease don't let pandora play me non-writing-inducing nonsense. I mean, er, rubbish.

5:29 pm
A bit self-absorbed tonight, aren't we.

5:30 pm
400 words. brb.

5:31 pm
Fudge it's Fall Out Boy.

5:42 pm
"mélange"= great word. So is "concomitant". The theme of this essay is "Cultural Dissonance" or, "A Rejection of the Melting Pot Narrative". Ooh.

5:46 pm
Cobra Starship is one of the few bands for which I can sniffle, "They were better before they went mainstream." No offense, Leighton.

5:56 pm
Want more cwoffee. But today's quota has already been maxed out.

8:13 pm
Update: Only 154 words written. I did however watch an episode of Psych and browse 15 pages of google images to find a new desktop picture (not involving Psych).

8:31 pm
A.H. hates the British :(
I bet she hates toast and puppies too.

8:36 pm
Valid excuse for not actually writing the essay: I'm waiting for the red bull to kick in. Totally valid. Crap I think it's kicking in.

8:54 pm
Okay, 292 words written. They're sort of in full sentences.

10:12 pm
mother: "I want some red bull. Wait, will it make me not be able to sleep? Does it have caffeine?" No, mother, it's the sedative of choice for an entire generation of postmodern adolescents.

10:55 pm
Intensive facebook creeping over. That took a lot out of me. Essay still not written. Good job, self.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Calm to the heck to the down.

Multiple strange things happened today.

1. Saw a *good* Indian movie.
2. Instead of waking up at 4, went to bed at 5, courtesy of Bad Movie Night, during which we accidentally watched a good movie (see #1).
3. Hand-outlined an essay. Um, I'm stuck on trying to explain why physicians shouldn't be racist. Isn't it too obvious to put into words?
4. Casually mentioned that I hadn't had Red Bull in awhile, after which my sister hopped on her bike and bought me one from the gas station. Whaa?
5. Turned out to be mediocre, not hair-clutchingly-awful, at laser tag. Technically, this was yesterday.
6. Was social (see #1,2, and 5).
7. Where did all these flowers come from?
6. Tweety cake.
7. I think I grew.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

To be afraid is a luxury

This is my "quit whining and get to work" song. In case you were wondering.

And yes, I do need to quit whining and get to work. 4th app almost done. The last sentence eludes me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eyeballs can yell, too

Don't you hate character limits? I now think in character limits. Was 200 short, now 100 over. Ugh, character limits.

At any given moment there are (an average of) five partially-empty beverage containers surrounding my computer. Possibly have drinking problem. Har, har.

I have been alive for 216 months. My new rats have been alive for 1.

Dear eyeballs, I drank three caffeinated beverages in the past hour, just for you. Won't you stop yelling now?

In other news, paragraphs do not exist. Sorry.

ACT report: "Your Interest Inventory Results do not show a clear preference for working with people, ideas, data, or things." It's like that episode of Malcolm in the Middle.

Intentional obfuscation

Marion Cotillard. That's really all I have to say.

Except: Cell culture infected, again. Yay!

I have multiple ice cream coupons that need using.

Certain people who are possibly reading this need to be studying for the mcat right now. Go on, shoo.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Having a crisis. Don't worry, I'm required to have three per week. It's only Monday. Plenty of time for the other two.

Please let this cell culture not be infected. Not again.

Please let this energy drink not be expired. It's only been in the fridge for two years.

By the way, for the question, "Why have you chosen to apply to NYU?", "Because Gaga went there" is an acceptable answer, right?

Yesterday I learned that you cannot, in fact, get a tan by sitting near a bonfire.

Bye, childhood. You were, uhh. Here's a haiku for you:

Does this mean I can't wear
Hello Kitty anymore?
Must find time machine.

Returning to crisis mode.
Now taking a break from crisis mode. Procrastination mode!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Newz

I'm really bad at mowing the lawn. Somehow managed to do half of the neighbor's lawn as well...not sure how that happened.

Highlights from today's newspaper (disclaimer: I only read the comics and Opinion Exchange):

"It's clear voters are both angry and confused" by Ann McFeatters
A concise description of a wide-reaching problem: Our form of government rests on an informed public and rational, meaningful debate. Whoops. As my first voting year (sorry to keep bringing that up) I feel a lot of pressure to learn about every side of every topic and every position of every candidate. Kind of overwhelming, but I would feel worse about voting nilly-willy, or not voting at all.

"Gay-marriage efforts build, ominously" by Katherine Kersten
I make it a point to read Kersten because she makes me clench my fists and not know whether to laugh or cry. Mostly the same for this column, but it raises some legal issues I hadn't thought of, mostly regarding churches/religious charities and their relationship to taxes. Plus the thing at University of California.

What do you guys think? Have these already been addressed by same-sex marriage supporters? Point me toward counterarguments if you know of them, please. Or write some, you all have nice pretty blogs.


Current favorite (physical) comic strip. I, too, suffer from drivelalia factosis.

Thank you for reading. The primary purpose of this post was to postpone writing that essay on the relationship between basic science and healthcare. On the (second) mcat I wrote two reasonably well-reasoned essays in under an hour...why can't that happen again?

In other news, the guinea pig is still a fat bum and my sister is officially faster, stronger, and taller than me.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A like letter

Dear Sasha,

These are the reasons I like you.
You look like an alien, or a little baby wabbit.
Your voice is creepy and guttural, and speaks Russian. The only Russian I know is for the saying,"Wanting is not bad; bad is not wanting," which seems like a pretty useless saying.

You tweet about your husband sometimes, which is so funny because I can't imagine you being old enough to drive, much less to be married. Also, your English is

"I feel very privileged to be given this opportunities."


These are the reasons we should be best friends:
  1. I will always hold your purse, if you want.
  2. I will correct your grammar, if you want.
  3. I will blindly support your burgeoning art career. (
  4. Everyone needs a token South Asian sidekick. I'd make a great second banana.
your biggest under-18 English-speaking Asian female science-major fan

Dear reader,

Something happened with the font. I will fix it sometime, maybe. For now, back to writing secondaries and nagging professors.

Dear A.H.,

Can I call you Haszch?

Friday, July 16, 2010


I turn 18 in 4 days. Mentally, I've been 18 for some weeks now. This isn't to say I didn't "own it" as a 17-year-old. It was a good year, my first as a real college student. First 4.0 year, since it was almost all science classes, excepting one silly history course and a mandatory study group. I also added a bunch of names to the "People I'm Going to Prove Wrong" list.

Plus: I watched an R-rated movie in the theater.
Minus: I closed my eyes during the yucky parts.

But the real sign I'm all growed up (seriously, I've stopped growing) is having my very own address labels. Still need to learn how to fold letters into three equal sections, though.

By the way. I have to learn blackjack. My mother said so.

Oh, about the title. It's a formula for power. There is aesthetic beauty in physics; it's just difficult to find on exam day.

Remind me to brush up on my Spanish before Peru.

Next post will have more content, maybe.


Today was a day of beginnings. Here's why:

1. Babies

While putting my lab rats away today I took my usual detour to the breeder cages to look at the baby rats ("pups" if you want to get technical). I saw some black and white babies. I saw some pretty big babies--let's call them toddlers. The next cage was labeled with a bright pink tag that said, "WATCH FOR NEW LITTER".

Alright then.

I knew the cages had been changed this morning, so no one would be checking on the mother until tomorrow. Maybe I could actually watch her give birth. Sure enough, there were teeny pup-shaped blobs surrounding the mother. They were unmoving, covered in blood and the sawdust/pellet stuff the cages are filled with. At first it looked like both mother and father were licking the pups clean. Awfully aggressive licking. I ran to get the nearest vet tech, who shrieked when she turned the cage around.

Yep, they were eating their babies. Probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. As a strong believer in the idea that most, if not all, animal behavior can be traced back to evolutionary force or advantage, I really don't see the point of this one.

2. The weekend

It is Friday.

3. Consumption of excessive Starbucks

I broke in the very generous gift card my aunt and uncle gave me. Happy to report it works. It should last through fall semester at least. If not, can someone please stage an intervention?

4. The obvious one...

...will remain unstated. We're going for subtlety here.