These are the reasons I like you.
You look like an alien, or a little baby wabbit.
Your voice is creepy and guttural, and speaks Russian. The only Russian I know is for the saying,"Wanting is not bad; bad is not wanting," which seems like a pretty useless saying.
You tweet about your husband sometimes, which is so funny because I can't imagine you being old enough to drive, much less to be married. Also, your English is
"I feel very privileged to be given this opportunities."
These are the reasons we should be best friends:
- I will always hold your purse, if you want.
- I will correct your grammar, if you want.
- I will blindly support your burgeoning art career. (
- Everyone needs a token South Asian sidekick. I'd make a great second banana.
your biggest under-18 English-speaking Asian female science-major fan
Dear reader,
Something happened with the font. I will fix it sometime, maybe. For now, back to writing secondaries and nagging professors.
Dear A.H.,
Can I call you Haszch?
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