Saturday, July 24, 2010

Calm to the heck to the down.

Multiple strange things happened today.

1. Saw a *good* Indian movie.
2. Instead of waking up at 4, went to bed at 5, courtesy of Bad Movie Night, during which we accidentally watched a good movie (see #1).
3. Hand-outlined an essay. Um, I'm stuck on trying to explain why physicians shouldn't be racist. Isn't it too obvious to put into words?
4. Casually mentioned that I hadn't had Red Bull in awhile, after which my sister hopped on her bike and bought me one from the gas station. Whaa?
5. Turned out to be mediocre, not hair-clutchingly-awful, at laser tag. Technically, this was yesterday.
6. Was social (see #1,2, and 5).
7. Where did all these flowers come from?
6. Tweety cake.
7. I think I grew.