Currently stress-coping by denying/avoiding the problems. Let us weekend roundup instead.
1. Oh, shut UP already. You want to talk about indoctrination, Katherine, I'm wondering how well-rounded your own children's views are. And aren't college freshmen old enough to be able to critically evaluate others' viewpoints or ideologies? Seems kinda disrespectful to imply that they can be brainwashed so simply. Also, notice the specific attack on the freshmen traditions (well, new tradition) at our school, that is, her alma mater.
2. This made me laugh. Especially the part about the restaurants. To be fair, if my family is speaking our special brand of foreignness at a restaurant, it is likely because we are making fun of the people at nearby tables.
- I learned that "fishnet-style hosiery" is not appropriate. Dangit.
- Dark colors are safer...does this mean I can't wear yellow pants?
- Cover tattoos. But there are just so many...
- Remove any body piercings except earrings. Notice this doesn't specify how many earrings. Loophole! Also. How does one go removing a piercing?
- Wear your hair out of your eyes. Not gonna happen. It's 3 inches now.
- Looking ahead in this article/course, there is a "body language" section. Uh oh. Prediction: "Try to look less short. Use stilts as necessary."
- Give a proper credible handshake with a full firm handshake. Okay, leaving aside the fact that I think handshake evaluations are ridiculous, I have a lot of trouble with handshakes. Can someone help me out? Credible Handshake Training?
- Uhh, what.
4. Are my links becoming too predictable? There should be more about reality TV, right?
From what I heard it's best to keep earrings to one earring per ear. And as much as I love your yellow pants, I would keep them in Minnesota while you're at the interview :-P. Good luck! You'll do great :-)