September was really nice. Everything was turned in and I convinced myself that not thinking about it (read: not preparing) was the best route. Bliss.
The people on those forums are straight-up jerks. They harass each other for posting what I think are completely reasonable questions. They respond, "If you have to ask that, you'll never be a doctor."
No. If you respond like that, regardless of whether you actually become a doctor, there is not a single patient who will want to be alone in a room with you. There is not a single patient who will feel comfortable asking you to clarify any instructions to them. There is not a single colleague who will want to seek your opinion on a difficult case, or to commend you on a job well done.
You guys know me--I'm not mushy-gushy. But there are standards, and this is a service industry. Service, as in serving others. If "maturity" and "life experience" have robbed you of that sincerity and replaced it with cynicism, with jadedness, with no real desire to make things better, I will take my lack of "life experience", my naivete, my immaturity, every day of the week.
Including Sunday.
I think I'm ready to write now.
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