Sunday, September 5, 2010

Commentary on the Human Condition

Just kidding. Aren't you glad?

School can start now. Then I won't have so much time to THINK.

It's getting annoying and always leads to fighting with the parents. Over it.

I have been informed I need to vacate the dining table aka my desk, my eating space, my TV space, my pillow, because we will actually be eating at it as a family when my grandparents arrive.

I'll be sure to ask them what they think about honor killings.

P.S. If you haven't already, please creep on Zach. He writes about poop sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Dining tables make the best desks. Plus you can put a blanket over them and use them as a fort, although I haven't done that in at least a couple of years.
