Sunday, September 26, 2010


1. Stale column on campaign financing, as predicted last week. I like the comment insisting that ads don't drive elections, the issues do. Still chuckling over that one.

2. Agreeing with Katherine. Next thing you know, I'll switch my major to philosophy.

3. To be fair, baldness is a really big deal. It's unsightly and is actually threatening the survival of the human population, so. Yeah. Please stop ragging on baldness research, Nick.

4. Florals.
But please. If you are reading this.
Do not attempt red bubble shorts. Thanks in advance.

5. We need a better interface between scientists (and/or those who are informed about science) and non-scientists (and/or the majority of the voting populace). I don't actually have any suggestions for one (this guy does, though). But I'm pretty it's one of the most important things our generation can do to help the planet survive and allow our civilization to progress.


6. I'm thinking of making this thing private. Dunno how much googling schools actually engage in, but as a safety measure? Also, creepers. I creep, therefore others must creep. Weigh in if you'd like.

7. Cool science magazine I found today. I look forward to exploring it more thoroughly, but for now, just read about the soul through the lens of neuroscience.


  1. Hooray for Link Sunday!


    5. Sigh.

    6. I really think you'll be okay. Also I linked to you today. I'm sorry?

    7. Someone reads pharyngula I see.

    I felt like commenting with a real name today.

  2. 6. Totally fine. It will motivate me to whine less and write more betterly.

    7. Un poco. Algunas veces. Extraneous Spanish phrases.
