Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mild link dump

  • We obviously need to fund less medical training
  • a well-referenced article on Republicans and the Overton window (via Krugman, via Zach)
  • Currently reading: God is not Great (Christopher Hitchens), Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins)
  • Currently learning: watercolor. obviously.
  • Currently looking for: housing
  • Currently: an honorary Weasley. Really, you should see my hair.

Monday, May 23, 2011


What do you call someone who says, "Religion is man-made. There is no god" (I'm translating here) and answers "yes" to the question, "Do you believe in god?"

(and don't say "insane", because I don't think she is.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Sunday edition

Today I woke up with very little memory of the night's dreams, just the name "Sartre" bouncing in my head. I don't remember anything about the dream except someone saying "Sartre" over and over. Maybe they were practicing? I blame Amelia. I also blame Malcolm in the Middle, as he once got in trouble for correcting a teacher's pronunciation of "Sartre". I have been dreaming a lot the past few nights.

Reading the newspaper this morning was not as fun as usual. Maybe KK's on vacation. Also, can someone remind me how to get around the nyt paywall? I've already used 15 of my 20 free articles for the month (whoops). An alternative is to read something else. I tried reading the Guardian today, but like...what are Tories?!
#uscentric #americaisthecenter

In other news, Nick Kristof gets it right again (I can't really wrap my head around the contraceptives-for-horses thing). Also, one of my big sources for learning about vaccine-related things is Orac, who just posted a video about anthropogenic global warming. I'm too lazy to watch it, so you should watch and tell me what you think. Cool? Cool. I'm glad we're getting along.

Finally, I learned of Ellie Goulding from last night's SNL. Her hair is pretty cool and she sings okay I guess.

Lights - Ellie Goulding

Thursday, May 5, 2011

On vaccines

I am slowly learning more about the anti-vaccine movement and the ramifications it is already having, especially in our fair state. This article about people left vulnerable by a breakdown of herd immunity is eye-opening and completely horrifying.

Summer reading list

The main limiting factor on this list will be how much I can fit in a suitcase, especially because I'm planning to take a couple anatomy textbooks as well (dontjudgeme). Suggestions always welcome.

When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present - Gail Collins

Lisey's Story - Stephen King

Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference - Cordelia Fine

the remainder of the Sookie Stackhouse books - Charlaine Harris

The Show that Smells - Derek McCormack

Anything else I should be reading? I would especially like to have more horror-type things in my repertoire.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Superfluous post

12 DAYS.

"Come on, let's get to it, I know that we can do it" --Dora the Explorer

I don't have anything profound to say (as usual), but I will share that today I learned that 27% of incoming medical students don't believe that species evolve by natural selection (JAMA Feb 11, 2009 –Vol 301 Pg 663). Hoo boy.