Sunday, January 30, 2011

Status quo

"I also kind of appreciate really stupid shit" - me too, Rich, me too. That's why I only watch TV shows about vampires, prostitutes, teenagers, or all of the above.

New goal: do a little bit of yoga every day. Even if it still hurts from yesterday. ow. I did yoga for bed time today, or at least tried to. I also ate a vegetable. New year's resolution #4 is totally under control. Tomorrow: yoga for mavericks.

I promise to write about something not completely vapid and insignificant sometime soon, promise. Probably synthetic cannabinoids. They're a big problem!


  1. I started doing yoga too!

    I think it means our minds are quantumly entangled.

    Are you also running 5 miles every other day?

    Are you also making rice and bean dishes. Considering my palette, i'm SO diverse right now. you don't even know.

  2. I don't run voluntarily...sorry bro.
