Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

I used my mostly computerless day (morning) to do lots of grading, sleep, learn ("learn") a little bit about LTP, make and eat a lot of stuff that was meant for my sister, and make a dent in the giant stack of magazines that has accumulated in the corner since mid-July...seriously, I keep buying them and not reading ("reading") them. (Bad things happen when you actually read the words. For example, today I learned about a woman called the "Fat Whisperer". She listens to cells' plasma membranes and talks to them to coax them out...? and people lose weight from this...?)

There is probably not actually this much time to waste; it is seven days until the next one; this one marks It's Getting Serious.

more cawffee.

shawls >>> sweaters

Should I get a tumblr..? except, I think you have to be artsy to qualify.

If I knew someone named Nancy, I would call her Nancypants.
Hairspiration. (that's supposed to be like "inspiration", not "perspiration")


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