Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eyeballs can yell, too

Don't you hate character limits? I now think in character limits. Was 200 short, now 100 over. Ugh, character limits.

At any given moment there are (an average of) five partially-empty beverage containers surrounding my computer. Possibly have drinking problem. Har, har.

I have been alive for 216 months. My new rats have been alive for 1.

Dear eyeballs, I drank three caffeinated beverages in the past hour, just for you. Won't you stop yelling now?

In other news, paragraphs do not exist. Sorry.

ACT report: "Your Interest Inventory Results do not show a clear preference for working with people, ideas, data, or things." It's like that episode of Malcolm in the Middle.


  1. Perhaps if you didn't wake up at 4 to watch vampires you wouldn't feel so tired at 9:41?....

    Also, I think my ACT told me I might as well aspire to be a rock. I also took my ACT 2.5 years ago?...

  2. That's only on Saturdays!
    And one of the secondaries wanted ACT/SAT scores, I wasn't just randomly looking at them. jeez.
